Gui Tutorial

2. Adding a button

Lets add a button

local button = myGui.newRectangle( 5, 5, 20, 12 ) --x,y,width,height

If you open the gui now you will see a black rectangle. Exciting, but it’s not a button so lets make it more button like.

The colors here are defined using the hex values, however if you like you can set them using {r,g,b} or {r,g,b,a} as well.
If using either table form, values are 0 to 1
The x,y,width, and height args use Minecraft's scaled pixels, these are larger than the actual pixels on your monitor.

Changing the background

rect.setColor( 0xFFFFFFFF ) --opaque white, 0x FF FF FF FF

Making it change color when you hover it

button.setHoverTint( 0x440044FF ) --transparent blue 0x 44 00 44 FF

Opened again

white rectangle gui Looking much better, but it still doesn’t do anything yet.

Our fancy rectangle fails to meet our aspirations.

Making it do something

To really make it a button, it has to do something when it’s clicked, so lets do that.

    toast("Click!", "You clicked the button")

white rectangle gui

  1. Getting Started
  2. Adding a button
  3. Making it better
  4. Using an Image
  5. Using Code