Toggleable Script

The template

FLAG = not FLAG --global
if not FLAG then
  return  --was turned off, exit script

log"&bMy awesome script: &a&BENABLED" --&b blue &a green &B BOLD
while FLAG do
  --do stuff here
  waitTick() --checking something? once a tick is good
log"bMy awesome script: &c&BDISABLED" --&c red


FLAG (rename this to something related to your script)
this is a boolean (true/false) used to indicate if your script should keep running

When the script starts FLAG is nil

log( not nil ) -- true
log( not true ) -- false
log( not false ) -- true

Each time the script runs, the FLAG is changed.
When the script is turned on, it skips the if statment and does the stuff in the while loop until the next time the script is run

When the script is running and it’s called again, there’s now two of them running at the same time.
Without the if statment, you’d see both the ENABLED and DISABLED messages show up from the one that toggled the script off (skipping the while loop)
When the first one finishes in the while loop, that one still logs the DISABLED message

VS Code Snippet

Using VS Code? FilePreferencesConfigure User Snippetslua.json

"Toggle Script": {
	"prefix": ["toggle"],
        "if not $TM_FILENAME_BASE then return end",
        "log\"&b$TM_FILENAME_BASE&f: &a&BENABLED\"",
        "while $TM_FILENAME_BASE do",
        "  $0",
        "  waitTick()",
        "log\"&b$TM_FILENAME_BASE&f: &c&BDISABLED\""