AM Utils

All of the functions listed on this page are found in



assertType( String:type, *:value, String:functionName, String:argName/Num, Number:level)

asserts that value is of type type else throws an error at level relative to caller with a message

functionName arg argName/Num expected type, got type(value)

The implementation of this function should be simplified in the future to retrieve functionName from debug info.


keys( Table:tbl ) -> Table

returns a table with numbered indices listing all keys in tbl


values( Table:tbl ) -> Table

returns a table with numbered indices listing all values in tbl


asSet( Table:tbl ) -> Table

using ipairs, itterates the tbl to collect unique values and returns as a table.


inverse( Table:tbl ) -> Table

swaps keys and values in a copy of tbl then returns it.


reduce( Table:tbl, Function:func <, *:i> ) -> return type from func

applies a reducing function to all values in the tbl and returns the final result

i is the inital value, defaults to the first element returned by next’s key

local utils = advancedMacros.utils

local t = {4,5,6,7,8}
local r = utils.reduce( 
    function( a, b ) 
        return a + b
log( r ) --30

r = utils.reduce( 
    function( a, b ) 
        return a + b
log( r ) --9001


clone( Table:tbl <, Boolean:deep> ) -> Table

Creates a shallow or deep clone of a given table.

local utils = advancedMacros.utils

local t = {
    x = 45,
    z = {1,2,3}
local u = utils.clone( t ) --shallow copy
local v = utils.clone( t, true ) --deep

log( t      == u      ) --false
log( t.x    == u.x    ) -- true
log( t.z    == u.z    ) -- true refers to same table
log( t.z    == v.z    ) -- false also a copy
log( t.z[1] == v.z[1] ) --true
Note: metatables are not copied
Deep clones will not handle recursion gracefully in the current version


append( Table:a, Table:b <, Boolean:inPlace> ) -> Table

Joins two tables using ipairs.

If inPlace is true, the returned table is a, else a new table

inPlace defaults to false

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
local a = {4,5,6}
local b = {7,8,9}
local c = utils.append( a, b )
log( c ) --{4,5,6,7,8,9}
log( a ) --{4,5,6}
utils.append( a, b, true )
log( a ) --{4,5,6,7,8,9}


map( Table:tbl, Function:map <,Boolean:mapKeys> ) -> Table

Applies a function to all values in a table, the returned result is a new table.

If mapKeys is true, then map takes 2 args and returns 2 args (key,value)

else, 1 arg, 1 return (value)

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
local t = {
    cows = 10,
    sheep = 11,
    wolves = 3 

local a = 
    function( v )
        return v * 2
log( t ) --same table as above
log( a ) --{ cows=20, sheep=22, wolves=6 }

local b = 
    function( k,v )
        return k:upper(), v * 2
log( b ) --{ COWS=20, SHEEP=22, WOLVES=6 }


( Table:options <, Boolean:useKeys> ) -> ?

Returns a random value from the table between index 1 to #options

If useKeys is true then advancedMacros.utils.keys will be used to randomly pick a key


startsWith( String:a, String:b <,Boolean:caseSensitive> ) -> Boolean

Returns true if a starts with b

caseSensitive defaults to false


hasText( Table:a, String:b ) -> Table hasText( String:a, String:b ) -> Boolean

When a is a Table

Returns a table of strings from a where a[i]:find(b,1,true) was true.

Iterates using ipairs

When a is a String

Returns true if the string b was found in a. Pattern matching is disabled


inTable( *:value, Table:tbl ) -> Boolean

Returns true if value is one of the values in tbl.

Iterates using pairs


fTime( Number:seconds <, String:format> ) -> String

Formats a time in seconds into something easier to read.

Default format: "%02d:%02d:%02d"

If hours becomes larger than 24 the result will read like 1 days 00:00:00


split( String:text, String:deliminators ) -> Table

splits text by doing this:

local out = {}
for a in text:gmatch("[^"..delims.."]+") do
return out
local utils = advancedMacros.utils
log( utils.split( "hello world", "eo" )  ) -- {"h","ll w","rld"}


charArray( String:str ) -> Table

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
log( utils.charArray( "foo" ) ) -- {"f","o","o"}


splitWords( String:text <,Boolean:lower> )

Splits up text with a ` ` (space) deliminator

lower default false, if true all strings have :lower() applied to them

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
log( utils.splitWords( "hello world" ) ) -- {"hello","world"}


capitalizeWords( String:text )

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
log( utils.capitalizeWords( "hello world" ) ) -- "Hello World"


maskStr( base, mask, start ) -> String Lets you impose one string on another

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
log( utils.maskStr( 
  ".........." -- 10 long
)) -- "..BAR....."


matchesOption( String:name, String:option ) -> Boolean

Returns true if option is valid for auto-completion of name

helm min would be valid for Minecraft Helmet because helm and min are both the starts of words in option

Used by .autoComplete


autoComplete( String:text, Table:allOptions ) -> Table

Returns a list of auto-complete options for text

local utils = advancedMacros.utils
local opts = {
    "wooden pickaxe",
    "wooden shovel"

log( utils.autoComplete( "c", opts ) ) -- {"cow","crossbow"}
log( utils.autoComplete( "sh", opts ) ) -- {"sheep","wooden shovel"}
log( utils.autoComplete( "r", opts ) ) -- {} --no words start with "r"
log( utils.autoComplete( "w", opts ) ) -- {"wooden pickaxe","wooden shovel"}
log( utils.autoComplete( "w p", opts ) ) -- {"wooden pickaxe"} --has words that start with "w" and "p"
log( utils.autoComplete( "", opts ) ) -- everything, everything contains empty string


writeFile( String:text <, String:file <, Boolean:append» ) writeFile( Table:tbl <, String:file <, Boolean:append» )

Dumps text/table into a file.

Uses advancedMacros.utils.serializeOrdered( tbl ) for tables

file defaults to debugOutput.txt append defaults to false


multiGet( Table:tbl, Table:keys <,Boolean:unpack>) -> Table/Varargs

Returns a with only keys keys with values from tbl

If unpack is true, the table is unpacked


kwargs( Table:argInfo, … ) -> Table

See THIS page for details


typeMatches( *:value, Table:options ) -> Boolean

Returns true if type(value) is present in options or

value and option in options are a instance and class, where value:isA( option ) is true or

value is a class and option is a string starting with class: ending with the class name this loads the class using require to allow for child classes to be matched

local typeMatches = advancedMacros.utils.typeMatches
local Foo = newClass"theincgi.Foo"
local Foo = newClass"theincgi.Bar"
local foo = Foo:new()

log( typeMatches(   10, {"number","boolean"} ) ) -- true
log( typeMatches( true, {"number","boolean"} ) ) -- true
log( typeMatches( "hi", {"number","boolean"} ) ) -- false
log( typeMatches(  foo, {"number", "boolean"} ) ) -- false
log( typeMatches(  foo, {Foo, "boolean"} ) ) -- true
log( typeMatches(  foo, {"class:theincgi.Foo","boolean"} ) ) -- true
log( typeMatches(  foo, {"class:theincgi.Bar","boolean"} ) ) -- false


serializeOrdered( Table:tbl <,Function sortFunction> ) -> String

Returns a string representation of tbl.

sortFunction(a, b) returns true if a < b

Default sort function:

function( a,b )
    if type(a)~=type(b) then
      return type(a)<type(b)
    return a<b


tryCatch{ try=Function <,catch=function> <,finally=function> <,args=Table> } -> ?

Attempts to call try with args unpacked as args (if present, no args otherwise)

If successful, run finally (if present) with no args

Returned value(s) is the returned value(s) from try

If error, catch is run with the error from xpcall as it’s arg ( you are still in the xpcall and can use debug functions to retrieve stacktrace info ).

finally is called with no args after catch completes

If catch returns any values tryCatch returns that instead.

//TODO: give catch & finally the same function environment as try
local tryCatch = advancedMacros.utils.tryCatch

local file
local contents = tryCatch{
    try = function( ... )
        file ="foo.txt","r")
        return file.readLine()
    catch = function( err )
        log("Could not read file! &c"..err)
        return false
        if file then

log( contents ) --first line of file or false


weightedRandom( Table:options ) -> ?

given a table options with each key being a possible return value and the value being a weight, return something randomly

local wRandom = advancedMacros.utils.weightedRandom

local x = {
    "foo" = 10, -- 10 / 20 chance
    "bar" = 4,  --  4 / 20 chance
    "cow" = 6   --  6 / 20 chance
--20 is total of 10 + 4 + 6
local y = wRandom( x )


inRect( Number:testX, Number: testY, Number:boxX, Number:boxY, Number:boxWidth, Number:boxHeight) -> Boolean

Check if a point testX, testY exists in a box starting at boxX, boxY with size boxWidth, boxHeight