
Events are used to trigger scripts when different things in-game occur. You can create an event binding by changing the third icon into the icon of a grass block with an arrow as shown below. Event Binding

  1. Change this icon to the grass block icon as shown in the image. This tells the mod that you want to bind it to an event.
  2. Clicking the white triangle you select what type of event you want the mod to look for.
  3. Clicking the square you select what script you want the mod to run upon the event trigger.
local args = {...}
log( args )
--or for the lazy
--log{ ... }

In all event pages that show a table in an image they use these 2 lines of code to show the event details.

The first argument will always be "event" and the second argument will be the name of the event.



This event fires when underwater or leaving it and the amount of air you have has changed. If the air level is -6 and the player is underwater still during the next 3 ticks they will take damage and the air level will be reset to 0. Air will decrease by 1 every 3 ticks. In Minecraft the max amount of air is 300, this has been scaled down to 100.

For this event maximum air is 100, and after -6 the player takes damage.


3. current amount of air
4. amount changed (gain/loss)

Event Details

Here we can see the player’s air has just been restored to 100 (from -3) after having been under water long enough to take damage


This event is called whenever the damage amount on your armour changes. (Also triggers when equipping / equipping armour)


3. current armour values (in a table)
4. armour changes (in a table)

For the provided tables, index 1 is the boots, 4 is the helmet.
Event Details

Seen here, the player has just damaged their boots and lost 1 durability on them.


This event is triggered when ever a bow has been released (if not pulled back enough it wont fire the arrow, but still triggers the script) After version 7.2.1 event details are correctly included.


3. the bow (item info)
4. how long the bow was charged for
5. has ammo

Event Details


This event is fired when you attack any entity.


3. attacked entity info
This event is not triggered by arrows.


This event is triggered when the player has finished swinging their arm and can attack at full power again.

No special args for this function.


This event is triggered when you hit USE on a block.


3. block pos
4. held item
5. "main hand" / "off hand"
6. block side [up, down, north, east, south, west]


Event is triggered when an item is broken.You got the extended warranty, right?

3. The item that broke

Event Details

This event does not work in 1.12.2 versions of the mod


This event triggers when the player dies. (tragic…)

There are no special arguments.


This event is triggered whenever the player changes dimensions.

Common dimensions ids:



3. Dimension entered
4. Dimension left
Non vanilla dimension names will apear as unknown

Event Details

Event Details


This event triggers when hitting the USE key on an entity. If the main hand does not consume this event then it may also be re triggered for the offhand.


3. Entity info
4. Item used to interact with (before the interaction)
5. "main hand" or "off hand"


This event is triggered whenever the players health has changed.


3. Current health
4. Amount changed
5. Damage type

Here the player has healed from 19 health to 20. Event Details

Damage type is only available for 1.14.4+


This event is fired whenever the player changes the selected hotbar item either through scrolling or pressing 1-9 on their keyboard.


3. Currently selected hotbar index
4. The hotbar index ranges from 1 to 9

Event Details
Example where the player has just selected their 7th slot


This event is triggered whenever the players hunger level changes.


3. Current hunger level
4. Amount changed

Event Details
Here you can see that the player has just lost 1 of 20 hunger points and is currently at 17 of 20


This event is triggered when ever you craft an item.


3. Item crafted
4. Crafting matrix before crafting

Event Details
Shows that atleast 1 sugar was crafted from a matrix where 14 sugar cane were in the top left slot (Image from version 7.2.1 update needed)


This event is fired whenever the durability of the held item changes.


3. The item
4. Durability change

Event Details


This event is fired whenever you pick up an item.


3. Item picked up

Event Details


This event is fired when you toss an item.


3. Item picked up

Event Details


The JoinWorld event is fired when the player (you) joins any world. (Single player or multi player)

3“VANILLA”/”MODDED”Indicates if the server/world joined is modded or not.
4.“SP”/”MP”Indicates if you are on a Single Player world or a Multi Player world.
5.Server NameThe name of the server as you named it in your multiplayer menu
6.MOTDfalse if none exists
7.IPfalse if none exists
Args 5,6, and 7 only show up when on a multiplayer world.

Event Details
Left shows a single player world, Right shows a server.
localhost shows up on both the 5 and 7 because the server was named after it’s IP


This event is triggered when you disconnect from a server or single player game.

There are no special arguments added to this event.


This event is triggered when the player either catches fire or is extinguished.


3. Is currently on fire (boolean)

Event Details


This event is triggered while a potion effect is applied to the player.

This event is fired once for each active potion effect.

This event will be re-triggered as the duration values on the potion effects change. The interval used to determine how frequently to call this event can be configured in the mod settings.

Showing the current setting:

log( getSettings().events.potionStatusFrequency )

The rule here is that when the potions remaining duration measured in ticks -1 is divisible by the frequency, the event is triggered ( (duration-1) % frequency == 0 )


3. Potion details

Event Details


The Respawn event triggers after the player dies and presses Respawn.Good as new!\

This event has no special arguments.


This event is triggered when the players saturation level is changed.


3. Current saturation level
4. Amount changed

Event Details


Triggered when the player enters a bed.

No special args for this event.


This event is triggered while the use key is being held or when it is released. This only works for items with a use action (like food, potions, bows, etc) not blocks being placed.


3. item being used
4. 72000-ticks held
5. phase (start, tick, stop)
The 72000 value comes from Minecraft. (1 hour in ticks) This is the maximum amount of time you can hold the use button on an item before it is forced to finish
This events tick rate can be configured using: getSettings().events.useItemFrequency

Its default value is 20 (once per second)


This event triggers when a player exits a bed (regardless of time change).
It will also trigger if manual exiting the bed.

No special args for this function.


This event fires whenever the amount of experience the player has or the number of levels they have changes.


3. Current experience points (the bar)
4. Current level
5. Change in points
6. Change in level

Event Details



The Actionbar event fires whenever text is displayed above the hotbar. An example is when playing a record


3. displayed text
4. is the text is colorized ( cycles through colors )

Event Details


The chat event is triggered a chat message whenever any text is added to the chat (except by log).


3. Formatted Text
4. Unformulated Text
5. Extras

Extras can be tooltips, functions or click actions.
In the example below you can see that the &T code makes it so clicking on the players name will type /msg Player366 without sending. Event Details


The chat filter event is used to change incoming text and replace it with new text before showing it in the chat.


3. Formatted text
4. Unformatted text
5. Extras
Any values returned by the script are used by log to create the altered chat message. Returning false will cancel the message.


local args = {...}
log( args )
return args[3]:gsub("Amazing Server", "lagging"), table.unpack(args[5])

Script result


\ Chat filters can be chained by simply having more than one chat filter event in your bindings. \ \ The return values from the first will be passed to the second adding in the "event" and "ChatFilter" as the first and second arguments again for you.


The ChatSendFilter event is triggered whenever the you are about to send a chat message. This allows you to either edit the text before sending it or cancel the message entirely.


3. Text to send


local args = {...}
log( args )
return args[3]:gsub("btw","by the way")

Script result


\ By canceling the message you can use it to create custom commands.


This event is triggered anytime you open a GUI that has an inventory.


3. GUI controlls (isOpen, close, inventory)
4. Container type (used to get the inventory mapping)


This event is called when a GUI is closed.

No special arguments for this event.


This event is triggered whenever any GUI is opened.


3. controls
4. GUI name

Controls always include isOpen and close functions. For vanilla GUIs additional functions are included. For any gui with an inventory arg 3 should also include a value inventory with controls for that inventory’s contents.


Function NameReturn valueDescription
getCost()Number: Repair costReturns the repair cost in levels
getName()String: Item nameReturns the text from the anvils name field
setName( String:name )Sets the text in the anvils name field


Function NameReturn valueDescription
getTrades()Table: Trade listReturns a list of trades, each trade has a list of input items (1 or 2), 1 output item, and the number of uses remaining.
[input, output uses]
getType()String: Villager typeReturns the the type of villagers.
(Librarian, Farmer, Blacksmith…etc)

Enchantment table

Function NameReturn valueDescription
getOptions()Table: Enchantment optionsReturns a list of the available enchantment options.
Each option has the properties hint and lvl.
pickOption(Number: option)Clicks on the enchantment option chosen. Number must be between 1 and 3 (inclusive).


Function NameReturn valueDescription
getLines()Table: LinesReturns a table containing each line on the sign
doneClicks the “Done” button for you
setLine( Number: lineNum <, String: text> )Sets the text for a line.
Text will default to “”
setLines( Table: lines )Grabs each index from the given table to set the sign’s text
<,String: line2>
<,String: line3>
<,String: line4> )
Sets each text line, nil values will be “”

Book (1.14.4+)

Function NameReturn valueDescription
sign( String: Title )Signs the book with a given title.
save()Sends changes to the book to the server.
isSigned()FALSEThis is the writeable book and can not be signed
(in 1.12.2 the written book used the same controls)
getText()String: textReturns the text on the current page
setText( String: Text)Sets the text on this page to the given text
getPages()Table: PagesReturns the entire book as a list of strings.
Each string is another page.
setPages( Table: Pages )Sets each page in the book to the text from the provided table.
Stops at #pages (inclusive)
addPage()Boolean: AddedReturns TRUE if a page was added to the book.
Returns FALSE if it could not (page limit).
nextPage()Boolean: SuccessNavigate to the next page.
If the next page does not exist it will attempt to create it.
Returns FALSE if a new page could not be created, TRUE otherwise.
prevPage()Boolean: SuccessNavigate to the previous page.
Returns FALSE if there was no previous page, TRUE otherwise.
currentPage()Number: PageNumberReturns the current page number
gotoPage( Number: PageNum )Jump directly to a certain page number.
PageNum will be moved into the range [1, pageCount] if it falls outside that range.
pageCount()Number: NumPagesReturn the number of pages in this book.

Book (1.12.2), Contains all of the above with the following changes:

Function NameReturn valueDescription
getTitle()String: TitleReturns the title of the book if written
isSigned()Boolean: IsSignedIs the book signed?
getAuthor()String: AuthorReturn the author’s name

Command Block

Function NameReturn valueDescription
isConditional()Boolean: isConditionalReturns true if the command block is in conditional mode
getMode()String: modeReturns the command block mode.
getText()String: commandTextReturns the current command
setMode(String: Mode)Set the mode of the command block. Valid modes are:
- “impulse”
- “repeat”
- “chain”
setText(String: cmd)Set the command text
done()Clicks the ‘Done’ button. Saves any changes.
isNeedsRedstone()Boolean: NeedsRedstoneReturns a boolean indicating if this command block requires a redstone signal to work.
isTrackOutput()Boolean: isTrackingReturn a boolean indicating if the command block is keeping command response text.
setImpulse()Sets the command block to ‘impulse’ mode.
setChain()Sets the command block to ‘chain’ mode.
setRepeatSets the command block to ‘repeat’ mode.
setConditional(Boolean: isConditional)Sets if the command block requires a previous command block to be successful to run.
setNeedsRedstone(Boolean: needsRedstone)Set if the command block requires a redstone signal to work.
setTrackOutput(Boolean: shouldTrack)Set if the command block should track the output from a command.
getOutput()String: outputTextReturns the output text from the last command that ran.



Triggered whenever a player joins the game. This event does not rely on the Player has joined the game message and will work even if a server has hidden those messages.


3. Players name

Event Details


This event triggers when any player leaves the server. This event’s implementation does not rely on the Player left the game messages and will work even if a server has hidden those messages.


3. the player who left. <span class="flavorText">(Good bye friend!)</span>

Event Details


This event is triggered when any sound is played in game (but not by playSound or getSound).


3. Sound name
4. extra info
5. controls including
ControlReturn ValueDescription
isPlaying()BooleanCheck if the sound is still playing.
Only relates to this one instance.
stop()Stop the sound() has an interactive list of sounds and sound IDs that may be useful.


The title event is triggered whenever a player is shown a title in game.


3. title text
4. subtitle text (if none then it's "" )
5. display time in ticks
6. fade in time in ticks
7. fade out time in ticks


This event is triggered whenever the weather changes in game.
Weather will not normal change directly from clear to thunder or from thunder directly to clear.
It will instead transition through rain.

Weather types:


3. Current weather

Event Details


This event is triggered whenever your single player game is saved.

No special arguments for this event.



This event is the catch all event. Anything except for chat filters will trigger this. Key and mouse events will also trigger this.

Args will match as described in other events.


This event is fired whenever the current Bindings profile has been changed.


3. Profile name

Event Details
A profile named Documentation has just been loaded


This event is triggered right after the mod has been loaded and is an excellent time load any functions that you want to be available for the remainder of the time the game runs.

No special args for this event

This example code will run every script that exists in a folder named “startup” and can be a neat way to run multiple scripts during startup without cluttering your bindings menu.

local files = filesystem.list("~macros/startup")

toast("Startup","loading files...")
for a, b in pairs(files) do
  local pass, err = pRun("~macros/startup/"..b)
  if not pass then
    log("&cstartup&7/&c"..b.."&4 "..err)